Hardcover - 244 pages - Dutch
The first complete book about the Shiba in Dutch. Packed with information on raising a Shiba, care, history, genetics and more! Includes wonderful pictures and illustrations.
Hardcover - 244 pages - English
English edition of our book that was originally written and published in Dutch. A modern guide to an ancient breed, accompanied by beautiful illustrations and pictures of Shiba from around the world.
Hardcover - 36 pages - Dutch
Childrens book for ages 2-8 with gorgeous hand drawn illustrations.
Kai is a Shiba who lives in the middle of the forest with his owner. One day he gets lost in the forest and together with his little forest friends, he tries to find the way back home.
AikOji is the name of the publishing company, founded by Irma Jansen-Melskens and Marjolein Peeters. This publishing company only publishes books written by the owners of the company.
The name AikOji is a combination of the names Aiko and Oji. Aiko is one of Irma's Shiba, Oji is one of Marjolein's Shiba. Fun fact: Aiko is Oji's grandmother :)
AikOji is registered with the Dutch chamber of commerce under number 76978850